I said I was going to tell you about my super Sunday on Monday, but I have had too much to do lately. So today I can tell you about it, and maybe some about the other days.
On Sunday I had a kind of break though with my
boyfriend. I've always had a feeling he didn't see a future with me, not to talk about spend it with me. But on Sunday I finally found a way to ask him that was simple enough for him to understand it and answer it. For a change I actually managed to keep it quite simple compared to normal.
So what I asked him was if he'd ever had a kind if flash of a feeling wanting to move in with me. And guess what he said, he said yes. HE SAID YES! Ok, I know that he said yes doesn't mean that it is going to be the two of us for the rest of the future, but it made me feel appreciated and wanted. In addition to that we have had quite some nice days lately.

On Saturday we went to the theatre with Razumny's parents to
Les Misérables at
Oslo Nye teater (about the play at Oslo Nye in Norwegian). Though I am rather picky it was a great experience as it was the first time for me to see the play. The things I found quite sad is that
* the brand of Oslo Nye is actors who eat parts of their lines/some of the words in their lines
* it didn't really touch me, it could be that the expecatations were too great as I've heard the audio version of the british production of the play a zillion times.

After the play the four of us went to a restaurant names
Nippon art. I've wanted to go there for ages, and have tried to convince both my best friend, Janne and the wonderfull Razumny a couple of times. This Saturday prefilled my wish!
For the rest of the week I've seen my doctor, a work psychologist and fixed some things since I'm going away to
Alta next year to attend
Øytun folkehøgskole to study
Travel Photography. As this blog post is getting quite long I'll tell you more about this and my planes for education in a later post.
And if for you who want to learn something about me;
The reason for him normally not understand my questions is that I have a way of asking about things in rather complicated manners, with a lot of
metaphors and symbols. For me the questions are of course all logical and seem really clear with the metaphors. The only thing is that the metaphors are often only mine, and not really possible for others to understand. Anyway, back to what I was talking about.
That's it for now, more to come later.