Just as random and messy as me,
though I don't want to be.
Du skal finne det du er best på, og så gjere det. Du skal ikkje ta avstikkare, men bare gjere det.
Monday, May 25, 2009
The garden
Of all the many joyful obligations of our existence, the garden here has been the most sustaining just in part because it is the most rhythmic, through winter, spring, summer, and fall. It actually has taught us to love every day of our life. One cannot ask more of love for a garden than that.
Photography, knitting, reading, thinking, talking and playing the piano are my passions. And that's mainly what my life revolves around. As I am a student I'm not too got at updating my blog regularly, but I'll do my best and try to post different elements from all of my life.
I'll also do my best to publish in English, but at times I'll be a bit to lazy. If I am, please tell my and I'll translate.
(Update) Cats Crash Arena Turbo Stars Hack 2018
Hello dear gamers! Today I will be publish a best hack tool with which you
can *generate unlimited amounts of Coins* and Gems in Crash Arena Turbo
Stars ...
Kjære bloggen.
Vi har vært sammen i seks år. Forholdet vårt har vært turbulent, fantastisk
og givende. Etter en del overveielse er det nå desverre slutt. ...
Project 52
Project 52 Week 1
Originally uploaded by razumny
OK, here's the deal:
A lot of Flickr users start what's called a Project 365, where they post a
photo eve...
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