Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mystery Hazard #2

One of 's classes is "Risk Assessment", where the subjects vary from hazmat exposure prevention, treatment, risk mitigation, etc. and so on. One of her recent assignments was a "Mystery Hazards" quiz, where the professor gave a list of symptoms and clues about a toxin and you had to identify what it was and explain how each clue is relevant to the toxin.

One of these, "Mystery Hazard #2", had the following clues:
* This hazard is yellow green in color.
*It is best to keep it confined, because, if let loose, it tends to violently attack entities around it, including people, animals, plants and inanimate objects.
*If it goes after you, and contacts you, there is usually not much that you can do to protect yourself.
*Each year, some of this hazard escapes confinement, one way or another, and it ends up harming or killing people.
*Those who are unknowledgeable about this hazard run a much greater risk of it appearing unexpectedly in their homes and attacking them. Each year, unsuspecting people become victims in their own homes.
*Unconfined, the presence of this hazard is associated with depression.
*Despite opposition from many, tons of this hazard, newly generated, appear in this country every year.
*This hazard is highly unnatural on earth, yet it is present in abudnace on certain other worlds.
*A small fraction of this hazard is radioactive.
*A single exposure of it can lead to RADS.
*With combustibles, this hazard can, and often does, cause conflagration.
*Long used to preserve life, this hazard is now also being contemplated by terrorists for use in ending life.
*Experts have concerns about this hazard getting into the wrong hands.

The correct answer is, of course, chlorine gas. However, I thought of a far more dangerous answer, so I wrote up the following. liked it so much that she posted it on her class's discussion board. :-)



This hazard is yellow green in color.
While zombies have been observed in many colors (depending on their stage of decomposition when reanimated), their most common complexion is that of a pasty rotting yellow-green.

It is best to keep it confined, because, if let loose, it tends to violently attack entities around it, including people, animals, plants and inanimate objects.
Zombies are relentless in their undying search for braaaaains. If human brains are unavailable, some zombies have been known to go after animal brains, particularly cows and other farm animals, since they offer little to no resistance. As for the attacks on plants, research has not yet determined whether vegetarian zombies are attracted to graaaaains, or more specifically to braaaaan.

If they sense that humans have barricaded themselves into vehicles, buildings, or other

inanimate objects, zombies can be particularly stubborn.

If it goes after you, and contacts you, there is usually not much that you can do to protect yourself.
Once eaten by zombies, victims are likely to become zombies themselves. If their initial wounds are not fatal, a zombie’s bite is usually poisonous enough to cause eventual zombification; even a scratch or claw can cause major infection. Due to this, zombification is highly contagious, and it is recommended that everyone stay as far away from shambling zombie hordes as possible.

Each year, some of this hazard escapes confinement, one way or another, and it ends up harming or killing people.
Zombies do occasionally break loose, and sometimes even escape from the secret government research facilities where their condition is studied. These events and their aftermath are often caught on film and presented in gritty documentaries, but the government usually covers up these incidents through their control of Hollywood, by repackaging the documentaries as horror movies.

Those who are unknowledgeable about this hazard run a much greater risk of it appearing unexpectedly in their homes and attacking them. Each year, unsuspecting people become victims in their own homes.
The zombie threat is very real. As such, people unaware of this threat tend to leave doors unlocked or windows open, making it easy for zombies to gain entry. The best way to prevent zombies from gaining access to your home is by boarding up all windows with plywood or metal bars, and barricading all doors with heavy furniture.

Unconfined, the presence of this hazard is associated with depression.
A crowd of animated rotting corpses, in mindless pursuit of brains, is likely to make any observer very, very sad.

Despite opposition from many, tons of this hazard, newly generated, appear in this country every year.
Every Halloween, tons of children and adults dress up as zombies. Whether this is done for entertainment’s sake, or as a weak attempt to camouflage themselves among the walking undead, still remains to be seen.

This hazard is highly unnatural on earth, yet it is present in abundance on certain other worlds.
Zombies? Unnatural on earth?? That certainly goes without saying!

As for other worlds, although substantiated reports are very rare (Dante’s Inferno may be as close as we have seen so far), it is rumored that some other dimensions, or some of the inner circles of Hell, are positively teeming with zombies.

A small fraction of this hazard is radioactive.
A small fraction of zombies are radioactive, yes. In the simplest cases, the radiation poisoning was the initial cause of human death; once zombified, this leads to radioactive zombies.

On a more chilling note, in remote areas, entire towns have been overrun by zombies, and the best defense was to destroy the town with a small-scale tactical nuke, then report it to the news as a tragic environmental disaster. While this is often effective, there have been reports of...survivors.

A single exposure of it can lead to RADS.
Ummm...I don’t know what RADS is, but if it’s caused by a zombie, then I’m not sure I’d want to know.

With combustibles, this hazard can, and often does, cause conflagration.

Thankfully, zombies are highly flammable. Their skin and bones are dry and brittle, and the decomposition of their rotting flesh releases organic gases that are absorbed by their clothes, adding fuel to the fire in a very literal sense.

However, fire alone is often not enough to kill a zombie. As a result, perhaps the only thing scarier than a zombie is a ZOMBIE ON FIRE.

Long used to preserve life, this hazard is now also being contemplated by terrorists for use in ending life.

The first accounts of zombies came from ancient Egypt. Mummification was an attempt to preserve the bodies of the rulers and the wealthy, but grave robbers and hapless archaeologists unwittingly tripped hieroglyphic curses, causing “mummies” to come to life and defend their tombs.

In modern day, some mad scientists and “reanimators” still look to zombies as a viable method of world domination (or at least an easy route to an article in J.AMA). After all, when it comes to spreading fear, terror, and ultimately death, what could possibly be more effective than an army of the walking dead to do your unholy bidding?

Experts have concerns about this hazard getting into the wrong hands.

Wouldn’t YOU?!?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Not really writing here atm

I'm not really writing here atm but I stumbeled uppon this picture online at one og my mostly read blogs and I just had to post it. It's so true and fits my reality perfectly atm as I'm stying photography at a folk high school(folkehøgskole) atm.

Monday, August 24, 2009

New times, or lack of it

The school I'm attending for the year to come started about a week ago. In that time we've had the time to have 2 day lectures in the main subject of our choose. Had loads of other activities and a minimal amount of time to rest. In other words this means I'm not going to blog too much here for the year to come. If you feel like getting an update on what I'm doing and read some blog posts written by either me or my boyfriend you could go here. And read the blog my boyfriend and I are keeping.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

This makes me happy

I love this song and I can't really say that I dislike Stratos. Such a fun commercial.

The lyrics;
Can´t touch this
Moo, moo, moo, moo
Chocolate hits me so hard
Makes me say Oh, so good!
Thank you for giving me
a mouth to eat with and two hype feet
It feels...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hva kommer så?

Om under en måned har jeg flytta til en by ca 200 mil fra her jeg bor nå for å gå på skole. Lenge har jeg gledet meg, men grunnleggende gruet meg, til å dra på denne folkehøgskolen. Hva om jeg glemmer å ta med noe? Hva om jeg ikke klarer å bli kjent med folk? Hva om jeg ikke liker meg der likevel? Hva om...? Hva om....? Hva om...? Og sånn går regla.

Noen ganger sjokkerer og skuffer jeg meg selv. Jeg er helt klart ikke kapabel av å leve i nuet. For nå, når jeg endelig klarer å glede meg i større eller mindre grad til å reise og være der et år så kommer jeg , som seg hør og bør, på at det er et år etter året i nord. Hva skal jeg gjøre da? Skal jeg ta jobb? Skal jeg studere? Hva er det rette, det lure det trygge?

Jeg er fullstendig klar over at alle har det sånn i perioder. Som en liten kommunist med sine femårsplaner. Dette resulterer i spørsmål som må besvares. Spørsmål som hva skal jeg gjøre med livet? Hva skal jeg bli? Med dette skal det være sagt at jeg vet hva jeg vil bli, og den drømmen vil jeg følge. Man lever da bare en gang, så hvorfor gå den aller tryggeste veien og andre på det man ikke gjorde. Dette er en mentalitet jeg alltid har hatt, men etter at jeg fikk en ny sjangse til å leve livet så er dette en tanke jeg prøver å leve enda sterkere etter. Til tross for at min sosiale angst prøver å kue meg under.

Sånn jeg ser ting nå kommer jeg nok til å prøve å få meg en jobb innen det jeg har lyst til å drive med. En praksissjobb. På denne måten vil jeg få en fot innenfor feltet slik at jeg kanskje vil få et enda bedre nettverk innen dette området. Det utbredte nettverket kan da igjen forsikre meg bedre jobbmuligheter og mindre sannsynlighet for å bli arbeidsløs.

Det ironiske her når det kommer til Annasui og hennes femårsplaner er at yrket hun streber etter kan man ikke planlegge. Det er et yrke der veien blir til mens man går. Det viktigste for meg akkuratt nå er å klare å fortsette å følge mentaliteten;
Det er bedre å angre på det du gjorde, enn å andre på det du aldri fikk gjort.

Will be translated at a later moment.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Everyday People Cartoon in a film

Not that I'm in this situation, but I found it quite touching anyway. And made me yet again realise that I have to continue to help out pregnant friends as good as I can.

The drawings in this film is made by Cathy Throne and you can find more of them at

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

En ildflue i tunellen

Nå begynner ting å løse seg for meg, i hvertfall midlertidig. Jeg er i en stilling som gjør at jeg ikke alltid får til tingene jeg skal gjøre. For ikke så lenge siden erklærte faktisk legen meg 55% ufør og fortalte meg at jeg antakeligvis ikke kunne ha en stilling på mer enn 80% toppen. Etter det har jeg så klart gått rundt med konstant frykt for at ting ikke ville gå min vei i livet. At jeg hadde brukt opp flaksen. I den tiden har også mye gått min vei, men jeg har i all hovedsak ignorert det. Jeg er jo dømt er dritt framtid. I meg for det den dag i dag ei litta tulle som mener at; HAH, folk sier at jeg ikke skal klare det, jeg skal vise dem jeg. Og det er planen nå. Man skal ikke se bort fra at jeg til tider får en tung framtid, og jeg må være forsiktig så jeg ikke blir utbrent.

Stuasjonen nå er som følger, jeg skal på folkehøgskole for å slippe det store presset om karakterer og høye krav, jeg skal dit så jeg kan drive med det jeg faktisk vil, jeg skal leve og være glad. Og NAV betaler for at jeg går på skolen, så får vi se hva mer slags støtte de kan gi meg. Må jeg kjøpe alt skole utstyr selv? Får jeg støtte? I så fall mye eller lite?

Det viktigste er å være potitiv og huske på at det;

Selv om jeg ikke vet noe om hvordan dette kommer til å gå kan jeg ikke si annet enn at jeg gleder meg masse og virkelig ser fram til året, på tross av at det betyr at jeg får se min kjære så uendelig mye mindre enn jeg ønsker. Mitt hjerte vil nok gråte mang en kveld i savnet etter Razumny. Helten, Ankeret, Holdepunktet. At jeg skal bort skal likevel ikke får være en hindring for å møte ham, jeg vet at jeg kommer til å møte ham 5 ganger i løpet av skole året. Jeg skal reise hjem fire ganger, mens han reiser en gang til meg og besøker meg på skole.

Husk; Absence makes the heart grow founder.

Will be translated into English, later

Monday, June 29, 2009


“Mistakes don't happen in a single moment...”
— John Burnside, from The Glister

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Be happy, dance and treasure the summer

I first heard this song at the gym, hence this song gives me a HUGE urge to use my body and really move. I wish every person who may stumble upon, or actually reads the blog a amazing, fantastic and delicious summer filled with happy moments and feelings.

Monday, June 15, 2009


"Reading in bed before sleep, the luxury
of entering another world as if from above...
— Maxine Kumin

Monday, June 8, 2009

Getting close to the end

I've fought to reach the end of upper secondary school/sixth form/high school for the last 5 years. And finaly I'm getting close to the end. It's not to hide that it's been easy, that I haven't found it hard to attend school with people 4-5 years younger than me for the last year, loosing all of my normal friends and so on an so forth. But I have to say it has been an interesting journey, I've learned a lot about myself and others, I know (some) the teachers at my school better than most of the other students and some of them even better than I really want to know, but best of it all is all of the things that has happened to me. All thanks to the fact that I had to attend upper secondary school/sixth form/high school for so long I got to meet my boyfriend. Thanks Maia Madness and Steffen.
Thanks to Steffen for breaking his arm he met Maia. Thanks to Maia for inviting him to the concert.
I've got a lot more to write about a lot. But I also want to get some reading done before I'm off to school.

To you all and everyone. The best hopes and wishes for a grate summer! Do the best of and treasure the moments, you never know when things will turn the wrong way.
-<¤ Panda ¤>-

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


4 Names for Things You Didn't Know Had Names

1. Aglet: "The covering on the end of showlace"
2. Phosphenes: "The lights you see when you close your eyes hard"
3. Kick or Punt: "The indentation at the bottom of wine bottles"
4. Harp: "The metal hoop that supports a lampshade"

Monday, May 25, 2009

The garden

Of all the many joyful obligations of our existence, the garden here has been the most sustaining just in part because it is the most rhythmic, through winter, spring, summer, and fall. It actually has taught us to love every day of our life. One cannot ask more of love for a garden than that.
—Joe Eck and Wayne Winterrowd

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Physical activity

I know I am a girl of the time. I wish to practice Pilates, yoga, Belly dance, African dacne and Krav Maga, to mention but a few. By now I do practice Qi Gong, and I know that the list of what I want to practice is way too long. But you are allowed to dream and hope. According to Abraham Marlow's theory about hierarchy of needs, you need dreams to motivate you in life. You always need something to reach after in life. But watching this clip I really want to practice the Norwegian Lausdans as well. Oh, the list of the physical related activities I want to exercise is way to long and there is way to little time to reach over them all. But you can always do some of the, for some time and at the end decide which you want to practice,

Friday, May 22, 2009

Whisper to yourself every morning

Fall in love with
the possibilities

—David Whyte

Thursday, May 21, 2009

So easy, but yet so difficult

"Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults, if you succeed in doing this, tell me how." -Baz Luhrman

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Filmpolitiets Kortfilmpris/Filmpolice Short film-price

Ingenting skal være lett, og hos brukerstøtte får du hjelpen inn med teskje.

I disse dager, hvor teknisk innsikt og logisk sans er erstattet med en mobil og kundeservice, er det raskt å rope etter hjelp for den minste ting. En kvinne får problemer med ytterdøra sin, og hun slår på tråden til kundeservice. Regissør André Øvredal er utdannet i USA og har laget reklamefilmer i 10 år i in

n- og utland. Kortfilmen er basert på en spalte av Hallgeir Opedal, publisert i Dagbladet 14. mai 2006.

Regissør: André Øvredal
Produsenter: André Øvredal, Petter V. Kjær, Simen Bang-Hansen
Redigering: Perry Eriksen
Lyd: Bent Holm
Scenografi: Håvard Schei

(Filmen er satt som link, i mangel på mulighet til å legge den til som film. Jeg synes at filmen og det faktum at den havner i bloggen min taler for seg selv. En god latter for lenger livet.)


User support

Nothing is easy, and user support will spoon-feed you to understand how to do it.

These days, where technical insight and a sense of logic has been replaced by cellphones and user support, it's easy to cry for help for even the smallest challenge. A woman faces problems with her front door, and gives user support a ring. Film director André Øvredal was educated in the USA and has produced commercial flims during a decade in both at home and abroad. The short movie is based on a coloum written by Hallgeir Opedal, publicated in Dagbladet 14.06.2006.

Film director: André Øvredal
Producers: André Øvredal, Petter V. Kjær, Simen Bang-Hansen
Editour: Perry Eriksen
sound: Bent Holm
Scenography: Håvard Schei

(You find the movie as a linke, cause of lacing the posibility to put the link in the blog. I also think that the film and the fact that the film ends up in my blogg speaks for itself. Laughter is good for the soul.)

Friday, May 15, 2009

To be or just to exist?

How could there be any question of acquiring or possessing, when the one thing needful for a man is to become -- to be at last, and to die in the fullness of his being.

—Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Monday, May 11, 2009

Remember to continue even when it all feels worthless

Fall in love with the possibilities ahead.

—David Whyte

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The other world of books

Reading was a way to make friends or enemies, a way to discover how all these different people exist in the world and to rub shoulders with them.
Amy Poehler

This was and still is the truth for me. I'm not too fond of being around other persons. I prefer to keep a good distance to them and observe. As I know I do ALOT of stupid stuff and always feel like an idiot when I'm with others. Hence do I love to read, take pictures, knit and think.
Not to talk about the fact that you can learn a lot, it help prevet dementia, you can start to think in new ways and you get higher culturaly educated. ^^ I love books. At the moment I'm reading White Teeth by Zedie Smith. I have to get a what I want to read, what I have read and what I'm reading list up and running in this blog.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Start to quote

I've decided I want to start to collect quotes that I like, find interesting, move me and so on an so forth, so today I'll post the first quote. A quote that's rather important in the world we live where it seem more and more important to be perfect. An important reminder;

Everybody has to look at his or her own footprint and do the best they can. It's not about being perfect, it's about doing something. If we're looking for perfection, we'll never, ever get there.
—Laurie David

Thursday, April 16, 2009


When it comes to myself and shoes I'm kind of picky. But these, Seychelles Ballet Flats, I have to say I LOVE! They are childish and sweet, but yet grown up. Only bad thing is that I don't think you can get them where I live.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Going home and getting a new book

This extended weekend(Wednesday to Sunday) I spent at my mother's place, and had a great weekend. We went to the theatre and saw Frakt under haver (A view from the bridge) by Arthur Miller. On Saturday I was baby sitting my adorable little brother. We saw Hellboy 2 and made brownie, and because the fuse can't take anything, they popped 3 times of something. I'm happy my mother wasn't at home, I don't think it would have pleased her. And I honestly, it is not the greatest thing in the world to have to run across the yard into the other house to replace the fuses all the time. I also got to write a paper on democracy in social subjects, and transfer some handwritten overheads to the computer for my teacher in sociology and social anthropology. This also gave me a chance to start to study for my test in the latter one/subject, even though I was having a calm weekend with my family.
And even though I had to go home on Sunday because I'm going to school on Mondays it turned out going home wasn't such a bad idea after all. Because when I got home and opened my mailbox a packet was waiting for me; Sjarmerende gjenbruk by Ellen Dyrop and Hanna Kristinsdóttir.

DIY gone wild!

This book is definitely a must read, and it has tons of inspiration of how you can give your flea market, garage sale or attic finds a new life.

Among their suggestions you find a old silver tray used as a magnet board (look at the book cover), a lamp shade used for storage as a yarn basket, a wicker basked used as a lamp shade, the list just goes on and on! Below and above you can see some of the pictures from the book.

The book is in Norwegian, but there is eye candy overload, s
o you definitely don't have to be a Norwegian to enjoy it or to get inspired by all the amazing solutions offered. A picture says more than a thousand words, right? :)

If you want to order a copy, you can click this
link, or sand an e-mail to the publisher if you're having problems understanding Norwegian. And if you want the signature of the authors (at least one of them) you just have to mention that in the comment field or say so in the mail.

The book reminds us of the great storage problem solution.

In need of a new lampshade?
A little nostalgia from some Norwegians childhood

Or do you want a "uncommon" yarn basket/bin?
Why not use an old lampshade?

This idea is rather cute/cosy; a woolen hat as a tea pot warmer.
A companied by a wicker basket
lined with a equally sweet fabric
serving as a lampshade.

So you can get an idea of the layout of the book.
By the way, did you find the Easter egg and got a getter look inside the book?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Et dikt å huske på når ting går trått

Amor fati

Ikke som en cæsar gjorde,
skal du med et sverd bevæbne
deg mot verden, men med ordet;
Amor Fati - elsk din skjebne.

Denne formel skal du fatte
som din sterkeste befrier:
Du har valgt din sti i krattet.
Ikke skjel mot andre stier!

Også smerten er din tjener.
Lammet, sønderknust, elendig
ser du at den gjenforener
deg med det som er nødvendig.

Også fallet, også sviket
hjelper deg som dine venner.
Dine nederlag er rike
gaver, lagt i dine hender.

Engang skal du, tilfredsstillet
av å bli din skjebne verdig
vite: Dette har jeg villet.
Alt som skjer meg skjer rettferdig.

Si da, når din levegledes
grønne skog er gjennomvandret:
Intet vil jeg anderledes.
Intet ønsker jeg forandret.

- André Bjerke

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The future may come

I said I was going to tell you about my super Sunday on Monday, but I have had too much to do lately. So today I can tell you about it, and maybe some about the other days.

On Sunday I had a kind of break though with my boyfriend. I've always had a feeling he didn't see a future with me, not to talk about spend it with me. But on Sunday I finally found a way to ask him that was simple enough for him to understand it and answer it. For a change I actually managed to keep it quite simple compared to normal.
So what I asked him was if he'd ever had a kind if flash of a feeling wanting to move in with me. And guess what he said, he said yes. HE SAID YES! Ok, I know that he said yes doesn't mean that it is going to be the two of us for the rest of the future, but it made me feel appreciated and wanted. In addition to that we have had quite some nice days lately.

On Saturday we went to the theatre with Razumny's parents to Les Misérables at Oslo Nye teater (about the play at Oslo Nye in Norwegian). Though I am rather picky it was a great experience as it was the first time for me to see the play. The things I found quite sad is that
* the brand of Oslo Nye is actors who eat parts of their lines/some of the words in their lines
* it didn't really touch me, it could be that the expecatations were too great as I've heard the audio version of the british production of the play a zillion times.

After the play the four of us went to a restaurant names Nippon art. I've wanted to go there for ages, and have tried to convince both my best friend, Janne and the wonderfull Razumny a couple of times. This Saturday prefilled my wish!

For the rest of the week I've seen my doctor, a work psychologist and fixed some things since I'm going away to Alta next year to attend Øytun folkehøgskole to study Travel Photography. As this blog post is getting quite long I'll tell you more about this and my planes for education in a later post.

And if for you who want to learn something about me;
The reason for him normally not understand my questions is that I have a way of asking about things in rather complicated manners, with a lot of metaphors and symbols. For me the questions are of course all logical and seem really clear with the metaphors. The only thing is that the metaphors are often only mine, and not really possible for others to understand. Anyway, back to what I was talking about.

That's it for now, more to come later.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A wonderfull day

Today I've had a wonderful day. I've grown founder of my fantastic boyfriend and learned some new stuff. Hopefully my mind won't erase everything during the night, so I can write about it tomorrow, as I'm too tired to do anything else but sleep just about now. I'm so happy now I feel like flying. It seems like things are picking up, getting better and that I've finally caught a glimpse of a candle flickering in the end of the tunnel. Maybe it won't be too long for my hair to glisten in the sun and my heart to find a calm pace.

I also got other great news about what my future might hold. I'm actually smiling a lot today. This is a good sign. Perhaps I'll find the fun in attending school again and learn to enjoy myself and quit stressing all of the time.

More to come tomorrow after I've been to the local knitting shop's knitting circle. ^^ I'm really looking forward to go there tomorrow. Finally I'll manage to finish the neck twist I've been making for my grandmother, and learn to crochet picot style.